Аnti-money laundering policy Non disclosure agreement
Support Support

Report 2023 janiary - june

Production costs: $21,707.00

Costs for Rusich Bogatyr - $8,004,3

Costs for Rusich Guard - $6,277.00

Costs for Balsam Rusich - $105.50

Purchase of equipment - $333.33

Marketing - $222.22

Printed products, printing house, banners - $1,017.00

Designer - $144.54

Exhibition - $701.34

Trademark registration - $140.00

Product packaging and delivery - $123.52

Rent - $342.22

Payroll fund - $4,000.00

Taxes and commissions - $294.38

Total revenue: $7,474.00

Profit: $7,474.00 - $21,707.00 = - $14,233.00